New World in New Era
WELCOME YOUNot only do we desire to welcome in new members with open arms, we are also dedicated to serving the members within our congregation, as well as giving back to our surrounding community.
OUR VISIONWith members ranging in age from College Students/ young adult and above, and from a diverse span of multi-ethnic and racial backgrounds, Woori English Ministry runs the gamut of a true spiritual family. Whether you are in school, college, are a working professional, have a family in tow, are looking for a new home to plant your roots, or are searching for truth, we welcome you to our Woori English Ministry service.
TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGWe invite you, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, to struggle, to question, and to grow with us; and perhaps maybe even find a few answers along the way. Woori English Ministry is a family bonded together by the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ, and you are always gladly welcome.